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The Next Generation Rises The Lord created every living being on this world to flourish--to be fruitful and multiply. For millennia, humanity has benefitted from the beauty of this world, the produce from our fields, and the abundance of our seas. As we face the reality of our world today, we must consider what kind of world we want to leave to those who come after us: What are we passing on to children who are just now being born and growing up? Children, with their energy, their creative spirit, and their love for all of God's world, are showing us the way toward a future of hope. They are also courageously daring to hold us accountable for the peril our planet is facing. Are we paying attention to their voices? Listen to Greta Thunberg: "The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say--we will never forgive you." "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 Prayer for the Month Enlighten my mind with truth, Enflame my heart with love, Inspire my will with courage, Enrich my life with service, Pardon where I fall short, Sanctify what I am, Order what I shall be, For thine shall be the glory, Forever and ever, Amen. -Author unknown ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A Note from Pastor Shannon
Dear Church Family, Hello, hello! How exciting this is for me to be writing to you all in my first FPC Westfield Chronicle. I feel a deep affinity for some of the opening words of the Apostle Paul to the church in Rome. He writes this to them:
Indeed, I am thanking God for each one of you—it has been a joy to begin meeting you at church, and I sincerely look forward to getting to know you more as we walk our faith together as a community. I want to know your stories—highpoints and lowpoints, joys and sorrows, and particularly, what God has been up to in your life in and through this church. As you will see in the October calendar of events, my plan this month is to have four different gathering times to meet with any of you who would like to drop by for conversation with me and anyone else who joins the time. There are a variety of dates, times, and activities that I have put together so that I can begin to know you. I hope you will find a time that works with you and RSVP by calling the church office. Alternatively, I’m happy to make house calls or have you drop by my office at church. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me so we can set something up. Thank you in advance! As I have been praying for you, since first learning about the congregation from the PNC members, I have been impressed by your rich heritage as a long-standing faith community in Westfield. I have been thanking God for God’s faithfulness to you, and I long to learn more of your own, particular stories of faith. I look forward to entering deeply together into all that God has for us.
One story that I heard from the PNC really impressed upon me that you are a deeply caring community that longs to include all people. It was a story about a Westfield community member, Tommy, who would sleep on the front steps of the church. I heard how members of the church not only knew Tommy’s name but also had a relationship with him. Without a doubt, Tommy may have presented certain challenges to some in the community and church. But what touched my heart was hearing the way you persisted in making space for Tommy just as he was—helping him to know where he could stow his belongings, gently encouraging him to cut his nails on the grass next to the steps rather than directly on the steps. I also heard of your real grief over Tommy’s untimely death. This story began to give me a glimpse into who you are. It told me that you value people and relationships, and to me this is the absolute foundation of our faith in a God who “became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14).
For those of you who have yet to meet me and my family, allow me to introduce us again. My husband is Kevin Subers. Kevin grew up outside of Philadelphia, PA. We met when I was a PhD student at Princeton Theological Seminary. Kevin is a licensed social worker. He is looking for work, possibly in Erie, PA. Please keep his job situation in your prayers. Kevin is a fantastic Sunday school teacher (ask him what Godly Play is) and he enjoys playing the electric guitar, reading, and exploring new places. Micah Subers is our 7 year old son. He is a 2nd grader in Mr. Putney’s classroom. Micah enjoys Legos, Pokémon, Minecraft, swimming, and riding his bike. Linus is our Jack Russell Beagle mix dog who looks forward to walks in the neighborhood and keeping an eye on the cats and squirrels. Our family looks forward to getting involved with other families in the Village and at the school. And we can’t wait to explore all the natural beauty surrounding us in Westfield, especially as we come into fall.
Before signing off, I want to let you know a few things I will be focusing on this month as your new pastor. In addition to getting to know you, I will be working with Session on our fall stewardship plan. Stay tuned for more details coming soon, but here’s a hint: get ready to celebrate! I have also spoken to Mike Ricketts and we have settled on a date for an All Church Work Day and Lunch. Please mark your calendar now so you can join us on Tuesday, October 29th from 9:30am-1:30pm. Our focus will be on the church school and nursery rooms. I hope to make this a bi-annual tradition. Cleaning, sorting, and improving our church spaces is one of the easiest ways we can make our building welcoming to visitors, families, children, and members alike. If you like to get a lot of tasks accomplished and crossed off a to-do list while, at the same time, having fellowship with friends, the all church work day is for you! Finally, I would like to put together a Faith Formation/Christian Education team. These are folks (members and non-members are all welcome to join this team) who want to pray, dream, and work together on reigniting our ministry to children, youth and their families. Please prayerfully consider joining this team with me and don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or helpful thoughts about this. Our first meeting will be Tuesday, October 22nd at 7:00pm. In Christ's love, Your Pastor
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Peace & Global Witness Offering World Communion Sunday October 6, 2019 “May the Lord… give you peace at all times and in all ways…” ~ II Thessalonians 3:16 Most of us don’t get any mail except for what? Bills and junk. But once in a while, now and then, a pretty envelope, perhaps hand-addressed and with something nice inside, is nestled among the coupons, ads, and utility bills. An invitation. It’s different and it feels… good. It feels good to be invited, does it not? Sometimes the church talks about the work we do as an obligation or a duty. We start thinking about the sign-up sheets and the volunteer time and the money… But if we think of it as an invitation, our attitude changes. Every time we are asked to give of our time, our talent, and our treasure, thinking of it as an invitation to participate in God’s reign on earth shifts it from a duty to an alluring opportunity. World Communion Sunday is certainly an invitation; an invitation to join in God’s reign of peace. Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, invites us—invites you—to the table of grace. Christ also invites believers from all over the world, in every time and place, to join us. As we open the doors and prepare the meal, Christ invites all—despite our differences, experiences, and pasts—to come to the table as one body and to make peace through reconciliation and advocating for God’s justice. Christ invites us to join in the ministry of reconciliation and the pursuit to end violence through the Peace & Global Witness Offering. Through our participation in this Offering and the ministries it supports, we offer healing, peace, and reconciliation. In joining the Offering, we serve God’s people in Guatemala, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, and the USA, as our hands serve women experiencing abuse, our words bear peace to the incarcerated, and our relationships enable conversations of reconciliation to begin.
As we work to share Christ’s peace with one another, lets share that peace with those beyond our doors. Twenty-five (25%) of this Offering stays with our congregation, so that we can commit ourselves to active peacemaking. The Mission Committee will determine how best to use our gifts to support local peacemaking initiatives or community-based ministries.
As a community of God’s people seeking to be instruments of peace bearing “peace, at all times and in all ways,” we want to make our commitment and participation in ministries of peace visible to all. I pray that the God of Peace might inspire us to be peacemakers in every word and deed as we celebrate World Communion Sunday on Sunday, October 6 and give generously to the Peace & Global Witness Offering. May we claim Jesus Christ as Prince of Peace and pattern our lives in the compassion, kindness, and grace that he shows us. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
THE SESSION Class of 2019 Marie Edwards Polly Knopp Mike Ricketts Class of 2020 Marjory Fritz Marilynne Northrop Vacancy Class of 2021 Gloria Colgrove John Daily Laura Shearer
BOARD OF DEACONS Class of 2019 Carolyn Bills Dean Mead Pat Sciarrino Class of 2020 Sharon Rau Elaine Parker Mark Smith Nancy Smith Class of 2021 Mike Cluchey Trudy Gollnitz ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Faith Formation/Christian Education News . . . Yet, O Lord, you are our God; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. -Isaiah 64:8 Faith formation is at the heart of what the Christian life is all about. In many ways, we engage in the practices of our daily lives and the rituals of our faith communities--through worship, mission, working for justice and peace, evangelism, and education--so that our faith may be nurtured, enlivened, sustained, and formed. In this regard, the imagery offered by the prophet Isaiah of Potter God forming humanity, God's created own, is an appropriate vision for how we might view the ministry of faith formation. Pastor Shannon is excited to reignite faith formation and Christian education for all ages, particularly focusing on what that can look like for children and youth, who are not only the church's future, but also our present. There is work to be done: praying for God's leading, following the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and creating ways to welcome young families in worship as well as in Sunday school and the nursery. If you would like to join Pastor Shannon, she is looking to form a Faith Formation team of people to pray, imagine, dream, and work together to bring enriching worship and education to children and youth. This ministry team can be composed of members and new and regular attenders. Pastor Shannon promises it will be fun and fruitful! Please prayerfully consider joining this team. Our first Faith Formation Team meeting will be Tuesday, October 22nd at 7:00 p.m. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The Chautauqua Area Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical Christian Ministry that welcomes to its work all people dedicated to the cause of eliminating poverty housing. They are currently working at 127 Union Street, Westfield. There is a job for everyone; no special skills required. The work sessions are Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
If you would like to provide refreshments for the Habitat Volunteers please contact Mike Ricketts at 338-8864. Refreshments are needed for Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
the simple solution to community fundraising As a church we continue to participating in TOPS Markets "Cash for Causes" program. We have purchased TOPS "Cash for Causes" gift cards that are available to church members and friends. You pay the cash value of the card and the church earns 5% on each card sold. We all buy groceries! There is no additional cost to you; you simply use the gift card. Cards are available in $50 and $100 denominations. Please call (326-2643) or stop in the church office to purchase a gift card. As of August 31st our profit is $432.50.
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Please consider online giving. It is a convenient and secure way to make a one-time or recurring donation. When you choose to give online, your donation will be directed to a secure Pay-Pal site to complete your donation. To give to our church and ministry simply visit our website at www.steeplesinthepark.com. Then click on the donate tab located on the right hand side of the website. It is simple! It's safe! And it keeps God at the top of your giving list even when you are away! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mission/Outreach News....
Westfield Community Kitchen For the month of October and November, we will be collecting some much-needed items for the Community Kitchen. The "Wish List" is as follows: small dessert plates, napkins, paper towels, salad dressings, decaf coffee, dry soup mixes, Jello, puddings, powdered creamer, canned carrots, biscuit mix, cake mixes, aluminum foil (wide), Sweet n' Low and bleach, bowls 8oz. 12 oz & 12 oz. The Community Kitchen greatly appreciates our help! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"The Power of a Simple Gift" Since 1993, millions of boys and girls in more than 140 nations have experienced God's love through your shoe box gifts, enabling local churches and ministry partners to share the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ ~ God's greatest gift.
Operation Christmas Child is a life-changing outreach that brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations worldwide through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God's love.
We invite all members and/or friends to fill a shoe box. A pamphlet with information on how to pack your shoe box and suggested gifts will be available at the entrances to the sanctuary or the church office. Please have your shoe box(es) returned on or before Sunday, November 17, for a special dedication during the worship service. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Chosen International Medical Assistance "A Christ ministry dedicated to improving the quality of life to all God's people for His glory." Chosen International Medical Assistance needs your shoes! Everyone has shoes they are no longer wearing, and don't know what to with, right? Chosen International Medical Assistance partners with funds2org to collect your used shoes. The shoes (including sneakers, boots, sandals, etc.) will be used to create and sustain micro-enterprise opportunities for low income entrepreneurs in developing nations. They will also stay out of landfills, AND, the more shoes collected, the more money Chosen IMA receives to continue its ministries! It's a Win, Win, Win! You can drop off your shoes at the church office or drop in a box located at the Portage Street entrance. Please rubber band each pair of shoes together. Thank you! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Prayer Concerns A special prayer that you'll be blessed with tender care and needed rest, warm thoughts of friends that mean so much and most of all, God's healing touch.
REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR.... The Westfield Community Westfield Academy and Central School, farmers, those struggling financially, those who are grieving, the sick, the unhoused, the unloved, the abused, those celebrating new life, children, youth, and families, the business community God's Church Rev. Sarah Henken, mission co-worker in Colombia. Sarah works in collaboration with the peace commission of the Presbyterian Church of Colombia as the church strives to help all Colombians build a new future and bring an end to over 50 years of armed conflict. A lifelong peace advocate, Sarah helps develop educational materials and programs for the promotion of peace and reconciliation within churches and communities. She engages in diaconal ministry with local groups of campesino farmers displaced by the violence as they seek new land to farm and sustain their families. Sarah also coordinates the Young Adult Volunteers who serve alongside the Presbyterian Church of Colombia in a variety of ministries. Her home base is in Barranquilla, on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, and she visits churches and communities throughout the country. The World all those impacted by hurricanes and tropical storms, the Amazon rainforest, enslaved children, refugees and immigrants, orca whales Members of Our Congregation Dorothy Near, Betty Reid, Lillian Saunders, Mark Robbins, Barb Lynn, Ople Gollnitz, Sharon Bane, Elaine Hall and Pat Hayes.
Family and Friends of our Congregation Darrell Colgrove, Abigail Jopek, The Pandolph/Peary Families (Friends of John Daily), Jon Belcher, Marsha Holland and June Beers.
Our Servicemen Chief Petty Officer, James "JD" Watkins (Grandson of Betty Reid) Lt. Victor Gutirrez, U.S. Army Rangers (Grandson of Jack Beckman)
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Income through August 31: $67,381.13 (2019 Pledges Paid to Date: $37,594.00) Expenses through August 31: $69,266.17 Investment Funds used through August 31: $2,185.38
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Friday, October 4 Roast Pork, Mashed Potatoes, Sauerkraut, Seasoned Green Beans, Warm Fruit, Homemade Rolls and Assorted Desserts.
Friday, October 11 Chicken and Biscuits, Mashed Potatoes, Buttered Peas & Carrots, Cranberry Salad and Assorted Desserts
Friday, October 18 Meat Loaf, Potato Stuffing, Harvard Beets, Sunset Salad, Succotash, Homemade Rolls and Assorted Desserts.
Friday, October 25 Baked Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Vegetable Medley, Waldorf Salad, Homemade Rolls and Assorted Desserts.
Adult Dinner $11.00 All dinners include a beverage.
Sit down, take-out or delivery available. For delivery ~ please call the church office/326-2643 before Noon on the day of the dinner. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2018 HARVEST DINNER VOLUNTEERS The Mission Committee/Presbyterian Women still need volunteers for the Harvest Dinner's during the month of October. Volunteers are NECESSARY for the dinners to be successful. Please call the church office/326-2643 to volunteer for a date(s) listed below.
WEEK 2 Friday, October 4th 5:30 p.m. ~ Clean-up
WEEK 3 Friday, October 11th 2:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. ~ Clean-up
WEEK 4 Friday, October 18th 3:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. ~ Clean-up
WEEK 5 Friday, October 25th 3:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. ~ Clean-up ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS We all join in extending Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy Birthday. May this day be Richly Blessed With Peace and Joy and Everything that makes for Happiness
1st Bev Carr Irene Maxwell Joanna Seminatore
3rd Earl Saunders
4th Zachary Johnson Madison Schroeder
5th Amy North
7th Jan Wilson
10th Jason Ellis 11th Pastor Shannon
12th Rick McCutcheon Elaine Prince
14th Gerry Rogers Evan Rudewicz
15th Paul Cleveland
18th Emma Bishop
22nd Janet Reid
23rd Diane Scarpine
24th Chester Machemer
26th Brooke Helman
28th Jay Northrop
29th Daryn Coon Cheryl Perkins
31st David Luder
A special Anniversary Prayer... That God's Eternal love Will fill your heart this day With joy and blessings from above
Richard & Anneliza Barney 6th Bob & Wendy Dyment 29th Warren & Gloria Colgrove
Thursday, October 3 3:00 to 4:30 p.m Tea with Pastor Shannon, call office to RSVP Friday, October 4 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Roast Pork Harvest Dinner 8:00 p.m. Harvest Moon ~ Sanctuary~ ~ Lake Shore Center for the Arts ~ Saturday, October 5 8:00 p.m. Harvest Moon in Sanctuary ~ Lake Shore Center for the Arts ~ Sunday, October 6 World Communion Sunday 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture ~ Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship ~ Communion ~ Monday, October 7 7:00 p.m. Mission/Outreach Meeing
Tuesday, October 8 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Dessert with Pastor Shannon, call Office to RSVP Friday, October 11 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Chicken & Biscuit Harvest Dinner Sunday, October 13 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christan Nurture ~ Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship 12:00 Noon Special Coffee Hour Monday, October 14 Columbus Day ~ Church Office Closed ~
Tuesday, October 15 7:00 p.m. Session Meeting Wednesday, October 16 10:00 to 11:00 a.m Prayer with Pastor Shannon, call Office to RSVP Friday, October 18 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Meat Loaf Harvest Dinner Sunday, October 20 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture ~ Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship Monday, October 21 1:00 to 2:00 p.m Walk the Village with Pastor Shannon, call Office to RSVP
7:00 p.m.
Deacon Meeting Tuesday, October 22 7:00 p.m Faith Formation/Christian Education Team Meeting with Pastor Shannon Friday, October 25 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Baked Ham Harvest Dinner Sunday, October 27 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture ~ Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship Tuesday, October 29 9:30 a.m to 1:30 p.m All Church Work Day & Lunch with Pastor Shannon ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Portrait of Fall ~ Alora M. Knight ~ Looking out my window In October’s golden light, I see a beauty unsurpassed, A truly lovely sight.
Leave are saying soft good-byes As they come floating down To make a nature’s carpet Of yellow, red, and brown.
Mountain tops, now turned to white, Forewarn of winter chills, While trees, like golden rivers, Wind their way up through the hills.
Throughout our world’s creation You will ever find it thus, Kaleidoscopes of color, In God’s hand, the artist’s brush.
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