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^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ November 17 is Commitment Sunday By now, you should have received the first of two stewardship mailings explaining our stewardship theme this fall (please call the office if you did not receive this mailing). As we all continue to prepare for Commitment Sunday, please prayerfully discern and discuss with trusted others, your 2020 pledge. We ask you to consider giving sacrificially and being as generous as you possibly can. You will receive a pledge card and second letter with budgetary information in a week. Then, please plan to join us in church for our celebratory service of Commitment on November 17. This is a chance for us to bring forward our pledge cards, with great faith and generosity, and dedicate them during the worship service. Following worship, we will continue our celebration with a special fellowship luncheon. "Since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God's people, this is the reason that I don't stop giving thanks to God for you . . . I pray that the eyes of your heart will have enough light to see what is the hope of God's call." Eph. 1:15-16a, 18a
WHAT IS STEWARDSHIP? What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “stewardship”? Budgets and spreadsheets? Money? Pledge cards? A grateful response to God? What about love? For many congregations, stewardship means “the church asking for money” or it means nothing at all. If it draws to mind anything, it is the three-week annual financial response that happens every fall to ensure there is enough money to fund the budget for the next year. While the annual financial response may be wrapped up in religious language, at the end of the day it is about the need of the congregation to receive rather than the need of the giver to give. Stewardship encompasses so much more than money. It is a way of life. It calls for integration between our faith and the way that we live our lives — we are a church that is energized by lively engagement in our faith and life. Stewardship is a mindset, a culture and a discipline that can never be contained in an annual three-week financial response. According to one Christian leader, stewardship is everything we do after we say “I believe.” It is the way in which we use all of the resources that God has entrusted to our care so that we can love God and our neighbor. Stewardship is about love. One church member sees it this way: “Stewardship is a matter of the heart. My stewardship practices are a response to the boundless love God first showed me. It means that I am grateful for all that God has generously entrusted to me. As a faithful steward and child of God, I understand that (the) decisions I make, in all aspects of my life, reveal my priorities. It is a privilege to share time, talents and finances, to care for God’s earth and to serve my neighbors. Being a good steward has brought me great joy and has helped me grow spiritually. I am blessed to be a blessing.”
DOWN, IN, AND OUT: LOVING GOD AND LOVING OUR NEIGHBOR The practice of stewardship invites us to look in three different directions: DOWN, IN and OUT. We begin by looking at how God has come down to us. We then look in to discover all that God has entrusted to our care. We end by looking out to understand the needs of our neighbors. While these three actions may not always happen in this order, the practice of stewardship always invites all three. DOWN Stewardship begins at creation, where God first comes down to us. A steward is someone who cares for someone else’s property. From the beginning, humanity is not an owner, but a steward of what God has created. We are first receivers, not givers! God's love comes down to us in Jesus Christ. In baptism, we are claimed as children of God. We belong to God and all that we have belongs to God. We are bearers of God's love, grace and gospel. Stewardship begins with God coming down to us in love and sharing some of what is God's with us.
IN God has skillfully created us and blessed us with more than we could ever imagine. We are fearfully and wonderfully made! God knows us deeply and has created each of us uniquely. God has entrusted us with an abundance of tangible and intangible resources — time, talents, treasure and so much more. God gave in abundance that we might share in abundance. When we realize that all we have belongs to God and not to us, we can't help but give it away in thanksgiving for God's generosity to us. We give joyfully, graciously and sacrificially because we know our resources are not ours to keep but are God's to share.
OUT We look out to see how God is calling us to love our neighbor with all that God has entrusted to our care. We are called to love, not just with our words but with our whole lives. Stewardship is the way that we use all of our resources--time, talents, possessions and money--to love God and our neighbor. Stewardship transforms God's commandment to "love our neighbors as ourselves" from a religious expression into a way of life. Another church member puts it like this: “Relationships are what stewardship is all about. There are times of scarcity and abundance in all of our lives and stewardship calls us to creatively use God’s gifts to follow Jesus’ command to love God and our neighbor. Stewardship is a commitment of time and talents and, as necessary, money.”
THE SHIFT This new approach to stewardship requires a large shift in the way that we think and talk. The new approach to stewardship is not primarily about paying the congregation’s bills. Instead stewardship is about how the congregation together can do God’s work. It is about how the congregation can together live out God’s call to love God and our neighbors. Stewardship is directly tied to discipleship. It is no longer about the congregation’s need to receive, but about the giver’s need to give. Stewardship is a way of life. It is not just about what is given to the congregation, but about how generous we are with all that God has entrusted to our care both inside and outside of the church walls and in our homes. What is tithing? The biblical covenant of tithing, giving 10% of what you earn back to God, has shaped the people of God throughout history, as a covenant of trust and faithfulness with God. Tithing helps us remember that everything, actually, belongs to God, and we are merely stewards of what we've been given, called to generously share and bravely participate.
Some of us already tithe, others of us have never thought about it. Here is a chart of what tithing might look like for you. O God, in whose every creation we discover a gift freely given: help us to understand that all we have comes from the outpouring of your generosity, inspire in our hearts a deep sense of gratitude, and move us to share what we have received with the same immensity of spirit in which it was given. May our gifts of substance and service be an example of Christ's enduring presence and outreach to this community and all beings. Amen. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
A few highlights from October for me have been the "Get to Know the Pastor" gatherings, making home visits, meeting with Session and Deacons, visiting with folks at the Harvest dinners, a fun and productive All-Church Work Day and seeing Micah and Kevin joined in the Sunday school classroom by both children and faithful church volunteers. God is good! My family and I have also had a few opportunities to get out and enjoy the gorgeous Western New York fall--we spent an afternoon hiking in the gorge and another exploring Panama Rocks and loved both of them. Wow--thank you God for your beautiful creation. We also took in some culture in Buffalo, attending a Halloween Spooktacular kids concert at Kleinhans music hall, which was very fun. As we head into November as a church, we are heading fully into fall stewardship. I'm encouraged by the theme Session has for us this year: "Celebrate the Past. Inspire the Future," in part because I'm still so excited to hear more of your stories--stories of why you love this church, what God has done in your life through this congregation, how you have seen the gospel on display through the people and ministries of this church. There is much to celebrate, but let's not just say that, let's remind each other, through words of testimony, written reflections, anecdotes, memories, and pictures of how God has been present in this place. We have a bulletin board in the hallway outside of the parlor and, starting Nov. 3, we will be inviting you to put your memories and pictures on a special board. I'm convinced that what we share with one another is going to be a critical element that will shape our work this coming year. It will help us as we discern who we uniquely are as a church in and for Westfield and the surrounding area. Our unique contribution to God's work of shalom, God's kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven, will arise out of our core identity as we prayerfully follow the inspiration of the Spirit. That is how we will shape our mission and guide our vision for this next chapter of our church's life. There has never been a more urgent time for us to gather together, united in our common Lord, faith and baptism, and committed, together, to each contributing to our collective communal work of seeing the gospel fully alive in our community. Please join me (and yes, you can literally join me, just reach out and we can set up a time to pray together) in praying daily for our church as we are preparing for our work of discerning our core identity and shaping our vision and mission for our next chapter.
In closing, I want to share with you one aspect of who I think we are already becoming and how we can begin to lean more fully into that. As I met with the PNC, while interviewing to be your pastor, and as I have met with so many of you already this past month, I have heard over and over again of your desire to be an intergenerational community. You are not satisfied with no children, youth, and younger families among us for worship or deeply involved in the life of our communal life together.
At the heart of it, becoming an intergenerational faith community is about pairing up the generations to learn from each other, serve side by side and build into each other. This keeps us older adults young and helps make us young people wise. And here is the really good news for anyone who is a GenXer, Baby Boomer or Elder: Millennials want to spend time with people older than themselves. They actually love being around older adults and are wide open to insights, questions, and conversations about faith and life. Really!!
What's more, Christian congregational researcher Kara Powell, found that having generations serve together in a way that builds relationships between them really helps teens and young adults find or keep their faith.
Given the current decline in church attendance and engagement in North America and the West, passing the faith onto the next generation, which only happens in an intergenerational congregation, has never been more urgent. In fact, I believe the greatest thing those of us in the older generations can do is sacrifice to bring faith to the next generations. What if those of us in the older generations sacrificed for the sake of another? What if we gave up always having only our preferences in music, style, and taste so that others could come to know Christ? What if we changed some of our methods and preferences to preserve the mission? What if leveraging time, wisdom, insight, relationship, money and influence—essentially, our life— for the sake of the young is the greatest legacy we can leave?
So, I'd like to encourage you to begin to prayerfully discern how we can become a truly intergenerational congregation. As you consider this, here are some questions to possibly reflect on:
1. How can we love, serve, and care for our church family in a way that is intergenerational?
2. Where do we need to develop intergenerational leadership? How can we begin to mentor younger leaders?
3. What would be different if our worship was intergenerational?
4. What would change in our outreach in the community if we were tuned intergenerationally?
5. What about our church life and structure would need to be sacrificed for new intergenerational growth to occur?
6. What would we want to be learning about if intergenerational ministry was our focus?
7. What would be different about our physical church building spaces if we were an intergenerational place of true belonging?
Extra credit: My challenge to you over this next month is to go out of your way to have a conversation with a young person or two (someone who is a Millennial or younger) about church. Tell them you are on assignment from your pastor. Ask them for their honest reflections on what they like about church, what they wish was different about it, what would get them excited about church, and what they might have to contribute to a church if they were a part of one. Then, having thanked them and gotten with their permission to share, tell me and others in our church what you learned from them. Let's see what we can find out together!
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ All Saints Day November 1, 2019
Remembering members and friends of our congregation who have died since "All Saints Day" last year: Gloria E. Wakeley Paul H. Farver Beverly J. Yeaney Kay N. Hall Walter D. Brown Jim Eversole
“For all the saints, who from their labors rest, Who Thee by faith before the world confessed, Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia! Alleluia!” ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ REMINDER!! On Sunday, November 3, Daylight Saving Time ends. Remember to turn your clocks back on Saturday night before retiring. We don't want you to be too early for church! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Faith Formation/Christian Education News . . .
During October we premiered aLEGO curriculum called Building Faith Brick by Brick. We had four Sunday school volunteers, and seven children in Sunday school. At this point, our Sunday school program is designed for preschool through fifth grade. We hope to have a toddler and nursery room in the near future, but we're not quite ready yet.
Our plan for November and December is much the same as what we did in October, but we are implementing a schedule for volunteers. We need two adult volunteers for our Sunday school room each time we have Sunday school. The first Sunday of every month, which is communion Sunday, the children will stay in worship for the whole service. We are working to create an intergenerational service on these Sundays. Every fourth Sunday will be LEGO Sunday.
We also have a clear format for each Sunday morning that volunteers can learn and use with ease (see below). It does not require any advance prep on the part of volunteers. We encourage you to pray about volunteering. Please remember that when we make our congregational promise to a child at their baptism, we promise to nurture and support them in the faith. Volunteering for Sunday school is one way to make good on that promise.
1st: Nov. 3rd: Communion Sunday, no Sunday school
2nd: Nov. 10th: ___Kevin Subers___ ___Mike Cluchey___
3rd: Nov. 17th: ___Bob Rau___ ___Sharon Rau___
4th: Nov. 24th: ___Kevin Subers___ ___Laura Shearer___ (LEGO Sunday)
1st: Dec. 1: Communion Sunday, no Sunday school
2nd: Dec 8: ___Kevin Subers___ ___VOLUNTEER___
3rd: Dec. 15: ___VOLUNTEER___ ____VOLUNTEER___
4th: Dec. 22: ___Kevin Subers___ ___VOLUNTEER___ (LEGO Sunday)
5th: Dec. 29: No Sunday School
Sunday School Format Our Sunday school mirrors a worship service in structure. Gathering – as children enter the room, they will be invited by the circlekeeper to sit in a circle. Opening Prayer – Once all the children are gathered, the circlekeeper will lead the group in an opening prayer or song to get the children “ready” as a community. Hearing the Word – Having heard Pastor Shannon tell the bible story, the circlekeeper will invite the children to review the story they just heard. On LEGO Sunday, the children will be told the bible story by the classroom storyteller (currently this is being done by Kevin Subers). Response – The children will be invited to respond to the story through wondering questions (see below) and then by "working," using their choice of art or play. Feast – After cleaning up, the children will gather in the circle and share a “feast” (a simple snack typically consisting of water, crackers, and maybe some dried fruit or something else). Blessing/Sending – As parents come to the door, the children will be sent out with a blessing from the circlekeeper. Wondering Questions
Volunteer Roles
1. The Circlekeeper (also the storyteller on LEGO Sunday): The circlekeeper enters the classroom first, sitting (on the floor or in a chair) on the outside of the circle but in the center spot (12 o'clock), calmly waiting for each child to be introduced to them, by name, by the doorkeeper, as the child is ready to enter the classroom. The circlekeeper greets them and directs them where to sit around the circle (this can be helpful for classroom management). Once everyone is seated around the circle, the circlekeeper might remind everyone that in Sunday school we walk and talk more slowly so as not to disturb those who may be talking to God or listening to God. Then, the circlekeeper opens with a prayer or song (one example is the prayer of 3 deep breaths, saying, after each deep breath, in the name of the Father, (breath) in the name of the Son, (breath) in the name of the Holy Spirit. Then, the circlekeeper invites the children to recount the story told by Pastor Shannon, helping fill in details where needed. Next it is time to ask them the four wondering questions (listed above). The children can say whatever they think, but silence is okay too and should not feel awkward. The circlekeeper must not give answers to the children or correct them but can engage their wonderings or repeat back to them what was heard. After the time of wondering is over, the circlekeeper announces that it is time to respond to the story and explains that the children may respond in any way that they like to the story, using any of the materials found on the shelves (explain what is on the shelves if they do not know). Once a child has decided what they want to do and use, dismiss them to the doorkeeper who will help them find their materials and get them set up on the floor or at a table to work. The circlekeeper keeps track of the time and announces when it is time to clean up the work materials to get ready for the feast. Once the children are seated back in the circle for the feast, the circlekeeper can pass around a prayer rock. Each child gets a turn to hold the prayer rock and say (aloud or silently) a prayer request or praise. Then, the circlekeeper and the children eat the feast together and talk together until the parents come. When it is time to dismiss each child to their parent, offer to take their hands (only if they are comfortable with this) and say something like, "Mary, you are a beloved child of God. I am so glad you were in Sunday school this week. I hope to see you again soon."
2. The Doorkeeper: After being dismissed from church to go to Sunday school, the doorkeeper waits with the children at the door while the circlekeeper enters the classroom first and anchors the circle. Then, the doorkeeper greets each child individually at the door of the classroom, asking “Are you ready for Sunday school?” Being “ready” means that they have calmed their bodies and are ready to listen and respect the community of children and teachers. After all the children are sitting in the circle, the doorkeeper comes and sits in a chair outside the circle. They take attendance and quietly observe the wondering time that happens with the children and the circlekeeper. When a child has decided what materials they want to work with for response time, the doorkeeper helps each child, one by one, get their materials and get settled somewhere to work. The children may work alone or with another child, if it is agreeable. The doorkeeper can engage the child as they work but only if it is wanted and helpful. It is also okay to let the children simply do their work on their own. When the circlekeeper announces that it is time to clean up, the doorkeeper assists the children with this, as needed. They also help the children get the feast ready. The doorkeeper announces to the circlekeeper when a parent comes for a particular child.
Mission/Outreach News.... Peace & Global Witness Offering May the Lord...give you peace at all times and in allways..." II Thessalonians 3: 16
On World Communion Sunday, October 6, our congregation gave $173.00 to the Peace & Global Witness Offering ~ the third Special Offering of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Thank you for your donations! Twenty-five percent of donations remains with our church. The Mission Committee will designate $36.25 to a local cause. The other 75% will be forwarded to the Presbytery of WNY where 25% will be used to support Presbytery and Synod peacemaking efforts and 50% will be forwarded to the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program of the Presbyterian Mission Agency so that it can continue to provide assistance and resources for congregations and other bodies of the PC (USA). Operation Christmas Child A project of Samaritans Purse ~ The Power of a Simple Gift ~ For the past 25 years, Samaritan's Purse has been collecting shoeboxes filled with gifts and delivering them to children in need around the world. Each box is an opportunity for a boy or girl to experience the love of God in a tangible way and hear the Gospel.
Each and every shoebox gift, given in Jesus' name, opens doors for boys and girls and their families to hear the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result, churches are growing and communities are transformed.
We invite any member and/or friend to fill a shoebox. Available in the Church Library are plastic shoeboxes for anyone to pick up and use. A pamphlet with information on how to pack your shoebox and suggested gifts is available at the entrances to the sanctuary or in the church office. Please have your shoeboxes returned on or before November 18 for a special dedication during the worship service.
For the month of October and November, we will be collecting some much-needed items for the Community Kitchen. The "Wish List" is as follows: small dessert plates, napkins, paper towels, salad dressings, decaf coffee, dry soup mixes, Jello, puddings, powedered creamer, canned carrots, biscuit mix, cake mixes, aluminum foil (wide), Sweet n' Low, bleach, bowls - 8 oz., 12 oz. and 16 ox. The Community Kitchen greatly apprecaites our help.
Plans are underway for the annual community mission project "Angel Tree" sponsored by Westfield Union Relief - a ladies aid society.
The Angels will be available for pick-up on Sunday, November 10, before and after church. Guidelines for your "Angel" gift are: Have your angel's name and number taped securely to your gift(s); Union Relief requests that all gifts be UNWRAPPED; gift boxes or bags are acceptable.
A dedication of your gifts will be held during morning worship in December.
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THE SESSION Class of 2019 Marie Edwards Polly Knopp Mike Ricketts
Class of 2020 Marjory Fritz Marilynne Northrop Vacancy
Class of 2021 Gloria Colgrove John Daily Laura Shearer
Class of 2019 Carolyn Bills Dean Mead Pat Sciarrino
Class of 2020 Sharon Rau Elaine Parker Mark Smith Nancy Smith
Class of 2021 Mike Cluchey Trudy Gollnitz ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Following the call to order and prayer by Moderator Rev. Dr. Shannon Smythe the Session took up the work of the church on Tuesday, October 16, 2019.
~ Session reviewed a plan from Pastor Shannon for our upcoming stewardship season. ~ In her Modertor's report, Pastor Shannon shared some of her vision for Faith Formation/Christian Education, and hopes for increased communication and outreach in the coming months and year, as well as what she has been working on since her start date of October 1st. ~ New Elders will be ordained and/or installed on November 17, our "Commitment Sunday" for receiving pledges. On that day we will also be celebrating the end of our stewardship season with a Special Fellowship Hour. ~ Shannon's installation service is tentatively scheduled for a Sunday in March, 2020. The exact date is still getting worked out. ~ Research is being done for video equipment for recording Sunday services for the church website.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The Presbyterian Women wish to thank members and friends for the wonderful response to the "Kitchen Shower". All donations are much appreciated and the kitchen is now well stocked with essential products for the coming year. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Prayer Concerns A special prayer that you'll be blessed with tender care and needed rest, warm thoughts of friends that mean so much and most of all, God's healing touch.
REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR.... Members of Our Congregation Dorothy Near, Betty Reid, Lillian Saunders, Mark Robbins, Barb Lynn, Ople Gollnitz, Sharon Bane, Elaine Hall and Pat Hayes
Family and Friends of our Congregation Darrell Colgrove, Abigail Jopek, The Pandolph/Peary Families (Friends of John Daily), Jon Belcher, Crystal Lee, June Beers, Marsha Holland,
Our Servicemen Chief Petty Officer, James "JD" Watkins (Grandson of Betty Reid) Lt. Victor Gutirrez, U.S. Army Rangers (Grandson of Jack Beckman)
The Westfield Community
The search committee as they interview superintendent candidates for WACS, refugees and immigrants in our area, those who are struggling financially, the grieving, the widowed, the unhoused, the unloved, the abused, those suffering under the weight of addiction, the work of the YWCA.
God's Church
Alan and Ellen Smith, mission co-workers in based in Germany, serving also in Russia and Belarus. As regional liaison for Eastern Europe Ellen Smith facilitates Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) support for partner programs, relationships and activities and will implement Presbyterian World Mission strategy. She also supports PC(USA) mission personnel in communications, information sharing, mentoring/guiding, and missiological reflection. In addition, she and her husband, Al, facilitate a congregational twinning program, pairing U.S. Presbyterian congregations with congregations in Russia. Al’s primary duties relate to the ministries of PC(USA) partners among minority groups in Russia. This includes the Roma people, formerly known as gypsies, who have been marginalized for generations. He also works with refugees from Africa and Asia who have come to Russia in recent years and who have no legal rights and face extreme discrimination. Al and Ellen Smith and their ministry partners are committed to breaking down barriers that divide people.
The World
Those whose safety, homes, and jobs are threatened by the wildfires in CA and all of the first responders serving there, the water crisis in South Africa, the families of those found dead in the lory in Essex, unrest in Chile and the economic crisis in Argentina, Syrian Kurds whose lives are endangered from political forces beyond their control.
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Our deepest sympathy as a congregation is extended to the families and friends upon the death of their loved ones:
Jim Eversole ~ Wednesday, September 18, 2019 Howard A. Thornton ~ Saturday, September 21, 2019 (Father of Gail Locke) Kathleen Jageman ~ Thursday, October 10, 2019 (Companion of David Gross) Calvin Bown ~ October 10, 2019 (Brother of Elna Meleen)
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(2019 Pledges Paid to Date: $42,244.00 ~ 100% pledges paid to date as of month end) Expenses through September 30: $76,112.67 Investment Funds used through September 30: $2,185.38
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Looking for a Unique Christmas gift?
The Church has available commemorative glass tumblers, goblets and ornaments. The glassware has an etched picture of the church and the ornament is a reproduction of the church building on porcelain. The cost for each is as follows: Ornament - $10.00, Glass Tumbler - $5.00 and Goblet - $6.00. To acquire a piece of history, please call the church office at (716) 326-2643. If you are not local - arrangements can be made to have item(s) mailed. Thank you for your support! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
2019 HARVEST DINNER REPORT The Harvest Dinners for 2019 were once again a success financially as well as an opportunity for community outreach. On behalf of the Mission Committee and Women’s Association we want to thank all who worked and/or donated desserts. These fundraisers are successful because of the efforts of many members working together. Following are those who were involved this year: *Sharon & Bob Rau, Jill Raynor, *Mike & Beth Cluchey, *Nancy & Mark Smith, Betty Felton, *Elaine Parker, *Marion & Don Eno, Henry Lynn, *Gloria & Warren Colgrove, *Marilynne Northrop, Sherry & Dean Mead, Barb Sanders, *Jean McCausland, Jane McMaster, Annalisa & Richard Barney, *Nancy Peters, Jeremy Riedesel, Trudy Gollnitz, *Carolyn & Peter Bills, *Betty Wilson, *Polly Knopp, Laurie Diehl, *Linda & Phil Young, *Sarah Fritz Desserts were furnished by the above with asterisks as well as Pat Hayes, Joan Allen, Jan Wilson, Marie Edwards, Laura Shearer, Felicia Lawson, Julie Travis, Jodi Wilson, and Barb Kittle. Special thanks go to Penny & Jim Deakin who donated the corn and apples as well as the homemade rolls. Also appreciated were the gifts of the carry out containers from Mary Ann Buettner, sterno from Art & Carol Webster and the decorations by Sarah Fritz. There were 564 dinners served with a profit of $6,026.85 which was an increase from 2018 when 510 dinners and $5,138.41 were the final figures. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
We all join in extending Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy Birthday. May this day be Richly Blessed With Peace and Joy and Everything that makes for Happiness
Chelsey MacCubbin Josh Monroe 2nd Ryleigh Sanderson
3rd Jack Beckman Luella Reynolds 7th Kaelyn Helman Elna Meleen 13th Rob Schofield 15th Aimee Helman Barb Lynn 16th Beth Cluchey Jonathan Corbett 17th Bob Dymnet 18th Kendra Bills Pam Truitt 19th Scott Freyn Alberta Parker 20th Mindi Monroe Rhiannon Seminatore 22nd Snady Haskin 24th Ann Wise 25th Casey Northrop 28th Don Strobl 29th Judy Womeldorf Linda Young 30th Cameron Wright
A special Anniversary Prayer... That God's Eternal love Will fill your heart this day With joy and blessings from above
13th Barb & Hank Lynn 25th Lillian & Earl Saunders
Saturday, November 2 10:00 a.m. - 12 Noon Intergenerational Cookie Bake Sunday, November 3 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture - Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry ~ Communion ~ 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hour Monday, November 4 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Westfield Hospital Auxiliary Community Dinner Tuesday, November 5 7:00 p.m. Mission/Outreach Meeting Thursday, November 7 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Patterson Library's Community Connection 2.0 Sunday, November 10 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture - Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hour Monday, November 11 Veterans Day Church Office Closed Tuesday, November 12 7:00 p.m. Westfield Women's Organization Meeting Wednesday, November 13 11:30am-1:00pm Get to Know Pastor Shannon, BYO Lunch in the Parlor Thursday, November 14 7:00-8:30pm Get to Know Pastor Shannon, Dessert in the Parlor Sunday, November 17 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture - Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry ~ Commitment Sunday ~ 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hour ~ Hosted by Presbyterian Women ~ Monday, November 18 7:00 p.m. Deacon Meeting Tuesday, November 19 7:00 p.m. Session Meeting Saturday, November 23 Breakfast with Santa ~ Hosted by Westfield School 7th Grader's ~ Sunday, November 24 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture ~ Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry 12:00 Noon ~ Hanging of the Greens ~ Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving Day ~ Church Office Closed ~ Friday, November 29 ~ Church Office Closed ~
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