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^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A Note from Pastor Shannon
Friends, I don’t know about you, but I can hardly believe we are now entering Advent, the start of the church’s liturgical year. Advent is such an important time in the life of the church. On my facebook page, I posted an article written by Sarah Bessey in which she reflects on whether Advent even makes sense in the face of a world on fire. When we look around us, whether it is in our own lives, our communities, or our world, there is so much that seems hopeless, out of control, and broken. But Bessey helpfully points out that Advent makes all the sense in the world precisely because we are paying attention to the tremendous brokenness and overwhelming need in our world. It is precisely because there is so much hurt that we prepare for Advent. Indeed, Advent is the season in the church year when we proclaim a radical hope. Walter Brueggemann writes that “hope expressed without knowledge of and participation in grief is likely to be false hope that does not reach despair.” In other words, we don’t get to have hope without having grief. Advent matters, because it’s our way of keeping our eyes and our hearts and our arms all wide open to God’s radical hope even in the midst of our grief and longing. Advent is the Church’s way of observing and remembering, of marking the truth we believe that God came to be with us once, and God is still with us, and God is coming again to set all things right. I don’t know about you but I need this kind of observance and remembrance in my life right now. I need help not only in paying attention to the hard things all around me but also in not giving up hope in the midst of it all. I’m longing for God’s coming again. I’m longing to have my eyes opened to how and where God is coming even now into the dark places in our world and in my life. And, I’m longing to be in community with my brothers and sisters in faith. That together we might long for and wait for God’s coming—that we might be a people of radical hope for each other and for those all around us who are desperate for true hope. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
The Spiritual Meaning in our Advent Activities on December 1st
Pastor Shannon warmly invites you to stay after church on the first Sunday in Advent for lunch and a host of advent activities. There will be a variety of crafts and devotionals so that there is something for every age and skill level. Even if you are not a crafty person, this will be fun and meaningful. First, it will be a chance to engage in intergenerational community together. Second, it will be an opportunity to engage in arts and crafts that can help us enter, devotionally, into the Advent season. Several of the advent crafts can be seen as tools assisting us in the spiritual practice of “beholding.” “Behold” is a word used by heavenly messengers during in-breaking moments in the Christian narratives. It signals an explosion of the sacred into our lives and a radical reframing of meaning. The angel Gabriel appears to Mary in the Gospel of Luke and says, “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus” (Luke 1:31). Gabriel is telling Mary to pay attention because her life will never be the same. Mary replies with an acceptance of this transformation: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (1:38). How was the young Mary prepared for this beholding moment?
The practice of beholding is the opposite of the way social media trains our young people with its restless surfing and scrolling. Beholding exhorts us to stop and notice something important and urgent. Social media trains us to graze; beholding trains us to gaze. Though the children of our church family may not yet “behold” when they engage in homemade Advent devotionals, wreaths, or the Jesse Tree each evening, they are not grazing. Rather, they are working at a practice that is forming them. The formation comes in part through the work of waiting and counting down. They must be faithful to the practice or the count is off. They must coordinate who takes a turn each day, with one doing odd, one doing even. They must be patient and focused so they don’t skip any days. They must take the time to accomplish the task, often in the evening, after dinner. The repetition of these Advent crafts and devotional activities, as in other Christian practices, can form our imaginations, preparing a place in our minds and hearts so that we are open to beholding the miracle of the incarnation. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Intergenerational Worship: The Gift and Responsibility At the time of baptism, parents, godparents and the whole congregation promise to bring children to worship and to form them in their faith. Not to do so would be like sitting down to the family evening meal but excluding the kids. Sure their manners might be far from elegant, but we welcome them because they are part of the family. Being with family is how we learn to be family. Worship is no different. Young people giggle, they poke, they ask questions and they swing their legs because they are young children. Children learn about worship and how to participate by experience, by how they are welcomed into the community, by what they see big people doing. Worship is how we respond to God. When we gather in worship we all come together to encounter Christ, and we watch together for God’s presence in Scripture, our own lives, and the world around us. When we worship God, we are reminded that we belong to God’s love, and we are empowered by the Spirit to participate with God in loving and healing the world. HOW DO YOUNG CHILDREN LEARN TO WORSHIP?
HOW DO ADULTS LEARN TO WORSHIP? By “becoming like a child” (Mt. 18:3). Children notice, absorb and feel deeply. They respond freely. Children perceive God. Children learn to worship from adults and adults learn to worship from children. Bringing a child to church can be frustrating. Their behavior can make it hard for parents and others to worship. Then again, many facets of parenting can be challenging. It’s the rewards that make it all worthwhile. While we do not want our children to be disruptive or hamper the worship of others, all of us together need to be reminded that children are not the church of the future. They are the church of the present and are to be treasured as such. Children and adults alike are able to watch for God, and participate in God’s love and healing. SUGGESTIONS FOR ADULTS WITH CHILDREN
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Mission is the Heart of the Church: 3 New Opportunities to Connect with Your Pastor and Your Community
Jeremiah 29:7 Seek the shalom of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the LORD for it; for in its shalom you shall find your shalom.
The following are opportunities to engage together, as God’s people, in seeking the shalom of our community and, through them, discovering the shalom God has for us too. Shalom is the way God designed the universe to be—it is both natural and God's very Way that exists in and through all creation. Shalom's various biblical aspects include completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, and the absence of agitation or discord.
Beginning Thursday, December 5th, Pastor Shannon will be participating in Breathe Life of WNY, Inc.’s Open Share/Life Hurts group which meets from 7-8pm in the Breathe Life room at St. Stephen’s Café in Brocton. All are welcome to attend this weekly group provided confidentiality is maintained. Pastor Shannon will be attending the first Thursday of each month. Breathe Life’s mission is to be a source of light and revitalization to the community of Brocton and the Northern Chautauqua region.
Beginning Monday, December 9th, you can join Pastor Shannon at 11:30am for lunch at the Westfield Community Kitchen. Pastor Shannon will be eating lunch there on the second Monday of each month, taking advantage of an easy opportunity to engage over a meal with community members.
Beginning Monday, December 16th, you can join Pastor Shannon from 9:00-10:00am at the Breathe Life community prayer time at St. Stephen’s Café in Brocton. This is a weekly prayer time for the community and Pastor Shannon plans to attend the third Monday of each month. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
How Does the Church Look to You Now? (written responses to Haggai 3 shared on 11/10/19)
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Stewardship Thank You, Update & Request
What a powerful experience it was to enter into our fall stewardship season together under the theme of “Celebrate our Past. Inspire our Future.” Thanks go to session for their vision and planning around this; to each member of the congregation who engaged so fully in our Stewardship and Commitment Sundays, particularly in contributing to our “Celebrate our Past” and “Inspire our Future” boards; to Marilynne Northrop and Jeremy Riedesel who gave stewardship testimonies, to Marjory Fritz for her stewardship letter many received; to session and deacon members who shared their written reflections on the importance of stewardship; to the Presbyterian Women who hosted a delicious lunch on Commitment Sunday, and finally, to each of you who prayerfully entered into this time of committing our times, talents, and treasures to the work and ministry of this church for 2020. God is good, and there are so many signs of faithful responses of gratitude and commitment. Currently, there are 43 giving units who have pledged for 2020, giving us, to date, a total pledge amount of $70,500. This is an encouraging increase from last year. For those who intend to pledge and haven’t yet done so, pledge cards can still be turned in to the office. Your pledge simply indicates your intended plan for 2020 tithing and helps the church, in our planning, as we work, in December, on setting the budget for 2020. Thank you for sharing your pledge plans with us!
There is much to be encouraged by as we look at our pledged tithes for 2020. At the same time, there is much work still to be done, not simply financially, but particularly with the use of time and talents. On Thursday, November 14, fourteen members showed up for Dessert with the Pastor and a Frank Conversation about the Future of the Church. Much of what was shared during that time was about the need to develop a sustainable model of leadership and service in the church. Currently, we have many inactive committees and not enough session members for 2020—we still need three more folks to prayerfully discern serving as a session members and chairing/co-chairing either the personnel committee, the worship committee, or the communication, outreach and growth committee. Please note that at our January 2020 Annual Meeting, session will put before a congregation vote, a suggested change to our church bylaws—that we change session and deacon terms to 2 year terms, keeping the same Book of Order rule that service can be for no more than 6 consecutive years without taking a year break.
The current dearth of folks committed to serving in the life of the church’s ministries does not bode well for us as we hope to experience renewal in our congregation. Church renewal has been described as “a gift from God that we must work really hard to be able to receive.” There remains, for us, an urgency in our hope for our church to return to being a vibrant, involved church responsive to the needs of our community for what is at stake nothing less than the death of the church—for everybody. At the same time, we remain hopefully optimistic at what is still possible: the life of the church, for everybody who buys into the vision, as well as many more people who are not yet aware that this place and people are going to become an important part of their lives. Pastor Shannon and the Session is requesting that each member and regular attender of our church prayerfully consider how they can serve and lead in our church next year. We need folks to populate our committees and make them active, contributing elements to our ministry work together.
What Ruling Elders Do & Their Ordination
Plain and simple, ruling elders oversee the welfare of the church and the spread of the gospel. When a congregation elects one of its members to the office of ruling elder, it means they see that person as someone of “strong faith, dedicated discipleship, and a love of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord” whose manner of life is “a demonstration of the Christian gospel, both in the church and in the world” (G-2.0104). Presbyterians have understood ordination to be like a three-legged stool: (1) the call comes from God; (2) the individual hears that call; (3) a definable church group sees in the individual ministerial potential.
The Critical Role of Session
It is the session’s responsibility to see that worship is provided for the congregation as well as to make sure the members of the church have opportunities to study Scripture, share their faith journeys, and practice living together as a community of faith. Often a session will delegate primary responsibility for pastoral care to a board of deacons. It is the responsibility of the session to notice what God is doing in the community and the world and discern the congregation’s role in that work. The session is charged with “encouraging the graces of generosity and faithful stewardship of personal and financial resources” (G-3.0201c). It is up to the session to see that any church property is maintained, insured, and used properly. The session, perhaps working through a personnel committee, should meet with the pastor and paid staff at least annually to help set goals, review accomplishments, and identify areas for personal and professional growth. Strategic planning is an essential task of the session.
Serving on Session Requirements
What are the Committees of the Church & (Some of) Their Work
For anyone interested in serving on a committee, please speak to a session member, the church office, or Pastor Shannon. Our current situation is that much of this work is not getting done or it is falling to Polly and Pastor Shannon to do. This is not sustainable and must change.
Serving on Committee Requirements
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2020 Vision Task Force Commissioned by Session: An Invitation
At the November meeting Session commissioned a 2020 Vision Task Force to work with Pastor Shannon in the coming year to provide a clear statement, going forward, on the church’s identity, mission, and vision and setting a clear plan and goals for our next chapter of ministry and life together. Pastor Shannon intends to begin this task force in March of 2020. This is not a closed group, but a group available to members and nonmembers alike, ideally with at least one session member and one deacon participating in the group. The group should be composed of folks, from each generation, who can commit to being an active participant of the task force by faithfully attending monthly meetings and engaging, throughout each month, in online communication with task force members, as well as carrying out certain tasks, doing some readings, and regularly praying. Pastor Shannon estimates that this may look like a 5-hour monthly commitment. If you want to have voice in dreaming outside the box for our church’s next chapter, if you care deeply about our church’s impact for good in our community, if you know that the status quo must be off the table as we reenvision church for our day and age, if you long for God’s Spirit-led transformation to set fire to our faith community, this is the task force for you. Please speak with Pastor Shannon if you are interested, want to know more, or want to nominate someone for this important task force. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Calling All 2020 Worship Liturgists
Liturgists are an integral part of our worship together on Sunday mornings. Liturgy means “the work of the people,” and those who help lead us in our communal work of bringing our prayers, songs, and responses to God bring a great gift to our intergenerational worship.
All who consider this church their church home are warmly encouraged to serve as a liturgist, even if just for one Sunday. We especially encourage those of younger generations to consider serving as a liturgist. Pastor Shannon is happy to work with anyone who is interested and adaptations in liturgist responsibilities can be done to accommodate all who are interested. Families are also invited to consider sharing the work of a liturgist among themselves on a particular Sunday.
Typically, liturgists help lead the congregation in prayer, read Scripture, and introduce and dedicate the offering. A big “thank-you” goes to all those—past and present—who have shared their gift to God and our congregation by becoming a liturgist. Please reach out to Pat Sciarrino or Pastor Shannon if you would like to be on the rotation schedule for 2020. We cannot engage in worship without you! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
December 6th, 5-8pm, 18 children RSVP’d to date! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Advent culminates in the wondrous celebration of the birth of Jesus, God incarnate as one of us. We gather on Christmas Eve to celebrate the miracle that God saves us by coming near, very near, fully immersing God's self into our fallen story. Join us on Christmas Eve at 7:00 p.m. for a special service. This year we have special music and a no-mess, no-fuss, come-as-you-are pageant that will be meaningful and fun for all ages. And of course, we will light candles symbolizing Jesus as the Light of the World. We look forward to seeing you Christmas Eve! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Mission/Outreach News..... Christmas Joy Offering ~ God is with us ~ Matthew 1: 23 The Perfect Gift Gifts are wonderful things. Giving them and receiving them, large or small, gifts can bring a smile, or even a tear of happiness. And the perfect gift for someone you love — well the perfect gift is more than just something they will like. The perfect gift reflects something about the person that receives it — it answers a deep need or recognizes something about them that perhaps very few people know or see in them. The perfect gift — that gift has power, the power to bring you closer together. One of the most powerful things that Christians claim is that God saw the great needs of the world and offered a perfect gift, a gift that brought God and humanity closer together. God’s perfect gift to us, Jesus Christ, offered the power of being with us. According to Matthew’s Gospel, one of the names given to Jesus is Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” In Jesus, God shared our human experience, and chose to be with those who were often overlooked, left out, vulnerable, or in need. “God is with us” we proclaim. What a powerful gift, a perfect gift, the gift of “with.” We offer our own gifts during this Advent Season through the Christmas Joy Offering. We give these gifts because God shows us how powerful it is to “be with.” Because God is with us, we see the potential of students of color who will become our leaders and we seek to come alongside them, to encourage them, to be with them. Because God is with us, we see church workers who have critical financial needs and we come alongside them, to assist them — we are with them. The power of “with” is the power God shows us in Jesus Christ. God’s perfect gift: Emmanuel, God is with us. Let us share our gifts and be with those who have need.
Half of the Christmas Joy Offering supports the continued ministry of educating and forming Christian leaders. The other half of the Offering honors those leaders who serve and have served us well. Through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions, current and retired church workers who experience need because of tragedy, health concerns or financial hardship can receive assistance from the church they have served so well.
In gratitude to God for the wondrous gift of Jesus, please join in this celebration of God's presence with us by supporting those in need of help and hope.
Envelopes for the Offering are available in the pew racks, or gifts can be mailed to the church office at 49 South Portage Street, Westfield, NY 14787, earmarked "Christmas Joy Offering." Thank you for your gifts! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ANGEL TREE Twenty (20) "Angels" were available for pick-up before and after the worship service on November 10.
By adopting an "Angel" you are making this season a bit brighter for many who would otherwise not have a Merry Christmas.
Guidelines for your "Angel" gift: Have your angels number taped securely to your gift(s). Union Relief requests that all gifts be UNWRAPPED; gift boxes or bags are acceptable. Please have your gift(s) returned before Sunday, December 15. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A project of Samaritan's Purse ~ The Power of Simple Gift ~ A heartfelt thank you to those members and friends who filled a shoe box(es). You have brought joy and hope to children in desperate situations worldwide through your gift filled shoe box(es). A total of 20 shoe boxes were delivered to the collection center in Mayville. We will let you know when we are notified where our boxes were shipped. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Reverse Advent Calendar Mission Project
Want to try something a little different this year? Create a Reverse Advent Calendar! Reverse Advent Calendars work by you filling a box or container with items of non-parishable foods.
For the month of December, we challege you to complete a Reverse Advent Calendar with items for the Westfield Food Pantry. The following is a suggestion of items to collect each day:
1 - Pancake Syrup (in a plastic container) 2 - Pancake mix 3 - Spaghettie Saunce (in plastic jars or cans) 4 - Cream of Chicken Soup 5 - Elbow Macaronia (no whole wheat or multi grain please) 6 - Canned Peas 7 - 1# bags of white rice 8 - Canned Chili 9 - Canned Corn 10 - Chunky soups 11 - Boxed mashed potatoes 12 - Juice - any 64 oz. flavor 13 - Mac & Cheese 14 - Jelly (in plastic jars) 15 - Toilet Paper 16 - Canned soups 17 - Pasta Sauces - Canned 18 - Apple Sauce (in plastic jars) 19 - Shelf Table Milk 20 - Canned meals (like spaghetti-o's, beefaroni) 21 - Canned Kidney Beans 22 - Cream of Mushroom soup 23 - Canned Ravioli 24 - Spices (salt, pepper, etc.) 25 - Bonus - Feminine Hygiene Product or diapers 26 - Condiments 27 - Bonus - baking items (flour, sugar, etc.) 28 - Bonus - Laundry Soap Bring your collected items by end of December - we will deliver them to the Westfield Food Pantry in January. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Westfield Community Kitchen Annual Fall Soup Supper
The Annual Westfield Community Kitchen Soup Supper will be held on Monday, December 2, from 5 p.m. to 7p.m. at the Westfield
Methodist Church Community Room. Adults $8, Children under 5 $3, Family: $20. There will be a multitude of fabulous soups from local restaurants, chefs and soup lovers. The community is invited to attend! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Christmas Poinsettias - Now is the time to remember your loved one by donating to the Flower Fund. By giving a Christmas memorial, you will make possible the lovely display of poinsettias and the beautiful live wreaths on the outside doors as a gift to us and to the entire village.
If you would like to give a poinsettia as a Christmas memorial in honor of someone, or make a financial contribution for the decorations, please make your check payable to the First Presbyterian Church, earmarked poinsettia; and mail to the church office or place in the offering plate on Sunday. Include who the memorial is in memory of or in honor of and by whom the gift is given. Each poinsettia is $11.00.
After our Christmas Eve service, the Deacons will distribute the poinsettias to our shut-ins. Should you elect to take your donation to one of our members or otherwise, PLEASE let the office know your intentions so enough poinsettias can be ordered. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Following the call to order and prayer by Moderator Rev. Dr. Shannon Smythe the Session took up the work of the church on Tuesday, November 19, 2019.
Actions taken at the meeting are summarized as follows: ~ Approved vacation for Pastor Shannon, Decembe 25 through December 29, 2019 ~ Received the Treasurer and Deacon's Reports. ~ Approved the Clergy Housing Allowance Resolution, per the IRS guidelines. ~ Approved the use of Fellowship Hall & Kitchen for Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, November 23. It is a fundraiser for the Westfield School 7th graders. ~ Approved the use of Fellowship Hall & Kitchen for refreshments during the Westfield Women's Organization Holly Tour. ~ A By-Law change to item #5 ELDERS will be voted on at the next Congregational meeting -the change is the to first sentence - "There shall be nine (9) Elders divided into three equal classes, one class of whom shall be elected each year at the Annual Meeting for a two-year term... ~ The Compensation, Benefits & Expenses (CBE) for 2020 have two minor changes: Continuing Education Reimubursements - $2,000 & Auto Expense Reimbursements - $1,000. This does not change the Total Cost. ~ Approved the baptism for Alana Lynn Gerdy, Granddaughter of Ramona Luder.
Other Business... ~ Discussd the 2020 Task Force commissioned by Session.
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A special prayer that you'll be blessed with tender care and needed rest, warm thoughts of friends that mean so much and most of all, God's healing touch.
REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR.... Members of Our Congregation Sharon Bane, Dorothy Near, Elaine Hall, Ople Gollnitz, Pat Hayes, Barb Lynn, Mark Robbins. Family and Friends of our Congregation Darrell Colgrove, John Belcher, Marsha Holland, Abigail Jopek, June Beers, Crystal Lee
Our Servicemen Chief Petty Officer, James "JD" Watkins (Grandson of Betty Reid) Lt. Victgor Gutirrez, U.S. Army Rangers (Grandson of Jack Beckman)
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Celebration of Eternal Life...
Our deepest sympathy as a congregation is extended to the family and friends upon the death of their loved one:
Betty Ellen Reid ~ Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with all who have lost loved ones recently. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(2019 Pledges Paid to Date: $45,564.00) Expenses through October 31: $94,055.91 Investment Funds used through April 30: $9,385.38
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With the end of the year comes the preparation of all ANNUAL REPORTS form committees, boards and organizations. The deadline for the reports is Monday, JANUARY 6, 2019. This in preparation of the Annual Meeting in January. Copies of the Annual Report will be available one week prior to the meeting. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Thursday, December 12, at 7:00 p.m. the women will host a Christmas Tea in the Church parlor. Tom Hegg's "Memories of a Christmas Tea" will be presented by Pat Sciarrino. Musical entertainment and refreshments will follow. Please join us on Thursday, December 12, at 7:00 p.m. and bring a friend! Friendship begins with a cup of kindness! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
We all join in extending Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy Birthday. May this day be Richly Blessed With Peace and Joy and Everything that makes for Happiness 2nd Patty Robbins
3rd Jake Freyn
4th Wendy Dyment Victoria Patchkofsky
9th Ashley Rosado Jack Bills
12th Darla Augur Kristen Monroe
14th Tyler Wright
15th Don Eno Sally Merwin Betty Wilson
18th Holly Gollnitz Erma Lloyd
19th Ann Deakin Jim Scarpine Ralph Wakeley
22nd Emily Parker
24th Christian Deakin
27th Jerry Kittle Sherry Mead
29th Philip Young
A special Anniversary Prayer... That God's Eternal love Will fill your heart this day With joy and blessings from above
16th Diane & Jim Scarpine
31st Amy & Bob North
Sunday, December 1 ~ First Sunday of Advent ~ 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture ~ Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry ~ Communion ~ 12:00 Noon Soup Luncheon with Advent Activites for all Ages Monday, December 2 6:00 p.m. Deacon's Christmas Party ~ Webb's ~ Thursday, December 5 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Join Pastor Shannon for the Open Share/Life Hurts Group in the Breathe Life Room at St. Stephen's Cafe Friday, December 6 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Parent's Night Out Sunday, December 8 ~ 2nd Sunday of Advent ~ 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture ~ Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hour ~ Hosted by Deacon's ~ Monday, December 9 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Join Pastor Shannon for Lunch at the Westfield Community Kitchen 7:00 p.m. Mission/Outreach Meeting Wednesday, December 11 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Pray with Color with Pastor Shannon (in the Parlor) Thursday, December 12 7:00 p.m. Christmas Tea ~ Hosted by the Presbyterian Women ~ Sunday December 15 ~ 3rd Sunday of Advent ~ 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture ~ Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hour ~ Hosted by the Mission/Outreach ~ Monday, December 16 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Join Pastor Shannon at St. Stephen's Cafe for a Community Prayer Time hosted by Breathe Life of WNY, Inc. Wednesday, December 18 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Pray with Color with Pastor Shannon (in the Parlor) Sunday, December 22 ~ 4th Sunday of Advent ~ 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture ~ Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry Tuesday, December 24 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Sunday, December 29 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Christian Nurture ~ Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Family Worship
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