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The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn't put it out. -John 1:5 (The Message) "We all long for someone to tell us who we are. The great struggle of the Christian life is to take God's name for us, to believe we are beloved and to believe that is enough." -Rachel Held Evans, Searching for Sunday: Loving Leaving, and Finding the Church A Note from Pastor Shannon
Dear friends, While January always signals the beginning of a new year, as Christians our new year already began with Advent. For us, the new year always begins with Advent waiting and expectation for God to enter into our lives and world bringing healing, hope, and salvation. Throughout Advent we considered together, during worship, the themes of hope, love, joy, and peace, which are all fulfilled perfectly in the coming the Savior and are given to us as challenges to embody as the Spirit prompts us to sacrifice status and risk discomfort to follow after Jesus. Jesus challenged the status quo, turned empire ways on their head, and inaugurating a new kind of kingdom, one centered on restoring and establishing shalom for all of creation. We are challenged to head into this new year embodying a life of peace (shalom) like Mary did, by protesting the powers and structures in our world that stand in the way of God’s Shalom (Advent week 4). We are challenged to seek the comfort and joy God has for us by moving out of our comfort zones into the dark places of our world, leaving the church building to join those who know suffering, thereby removing the gap between them and us (Advent week 3). We are challenged to remember and live into our baptism every day—in baptism we cast off our old clothes and put on our new life in Christ. This is a call daily to abandon our old ways of interacting with each other in this church—daily we are called to do the work of abandoning the cliques that are in operation, daily we have to tame our tongue from speaking ill of others and gossiping so that we can embody the law of love and reconciliation that Jesus brings (Advent week 2). We are challenged to live into God’s concrete and radical hope by incarnating mutual kinship, support and vulnerability (Advent week 1). There are endless ways to do this, but we are challenging each other to do it by joining community members for a meal at the Westfield Community kitchen (join me and the mission committee for lunch on Jan. 13th) or for honest sharing and listening at a Life Hurts/Open Share group hosted at St. Stephen’s in Brocton (join me at 7pm on Jan. 9th). Now, as we are celebrating the Season of Christmas, the season of love, we remember that our Advent waiting always culminates in the mystery of the Incarnation. God has broken through into a battered and shattered world in the form of a human being. God has become incarnate, adorned in matter and fully arrayed in flesh and blood. Our hopes have been fulfilled, but not our expectations. What has become flesh and blood is different than the world expected. Jesus has surpassed expectation, and revealed to us a God of Love. The season of Christmas is one of love and loving. I pray that this Christmas season has had moments of love and loving in it for you. That beyond the gifts, the food, the gatherings, you have had time for quietness and rest—opportunities to bask in the glow of God’s unending love for you and to hear the Spirit’s promptings for how you can love those around you, particularly those who are hard to love.
January 6th marks the start of our next season in the church liturgical calendar, that of Epiphany. We will be celebrating the start of Epiphany in church on Sunday, January 5th. Worship will include a special experience for adult and children alike, and families will be sent home with a special Epiphany packet to engage with the season at home. I hope to see you in worship!
So, just what is the season of Epiphany, you ask? Just as Christmas marks the coming of God to us, so Epiphany celebrates the appearance of the Lord in the midst of humanity. The Christmas stories of the birth of Immanuel declare the divine entry; Epiphany extols the revelation of God to the world in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. In our celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany we rejoice in the dawning and the arising of Light in darkness. Epiphany not only discloses the Savior to the world but also calls the world to show forth Christ, to be witnesses to God’s true Light. The timeless mystery of the incarnation, God in flesh, leads us forth to show and tell of Christ as God’s gift of grace and salvation for all persons. Some call this ongoing epiphany the work of Christmas. We will be seeking to live into the season of epiphany (Jan. 5th through Feb. 23rd) in our life together as a church throughout January and February in some specific ways. 1. The sermon series is focused on the “Gifts that Keep on Giving” by discovering the gifts God offers and the challenge to accept them. 2. All are invited to join Pastor Shannon’s weekly book group on Wednesdays at noon. We will be discussing Rachel Held Evans’ book Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church. We will discuss Part I on Jan. 8th. If you are interested in meeting in the evening for book group via Zoom, speak to Pastor Shannon. 3. There will be a Youth Night Out event on Friday, January 10th. We will travel together to Erie for dinner at Five Guys and viewing the new movie Just Mercy. Adult volunteers are needed, but must be background checked through the church first. Youth must have a completed permission form turned in (email pastorshannon79@gmail.com">pastorshannon79@gmail.com or contact the church office for the form). 4. All are invited to a night focused around Personal and Congregational Growth on Friday, January 24th at 7pm. Pastor Shannon will lead us in a listening exercise to grow our empathy for each other and we will learn how to create personal manifestos as well as one for our church. Contact the church office by January 10th if you need childcare to attend the event. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
A Year in Review: Looking Back on 2019 at Our Church
2019 was an important year in the life of this congregation. We went into the year without a pastor and uncertain about the future. We operated on a lean budget. Many folks stepped up to help provide care and leadership and keep things going. The Pastor Nominating Committee did its work, and brought forward Rev. Dr. Shannon Smythe as their choice for the next pastor of our church. Session and the congregation voted to approve the PNC’s recommendation. By October, Pastor Shannon and her family were with us, and it has been a full fall. We entered into the fall stewardship season, “Celebrate the Past. Inspire our Future,” and had good participation as congregants stepped forward to increase the number of pledge units and the amount pledged as well as shared their celebration of who have been and our hopes for who we will be.
We have seen an increase in worship attendance throughout the fall. There have been some new faces and some members have returned to worship regularly. Pastor Shannon offered several day and evening gatherings for congregants to get to know her and vice versa. Regular Fellowship hours have resumed, hosted by various groups and committees within the church. Presbyterian Women and the Mission Committee had another successful fundraiser with the Harvest Dinners, consistently selling out and seeing an increase in the amount of money raised. Church members braved rain and wind to reach out to the families of Westfield by offering a Trunk or Treat for the young ones. In December, adult and youth volunteers offered a fun night of games, crafts, dinner, and the Christmas story with Legos to children in the community while their parents enjoyed a night out/off. Property committee members and congregants came together for a very productive Church Work Day, focusing on our Sunday school, toddler and nursery rooms. By Christmas Eve, we had a freshly painted and thoughtfully appointed Nursery Room for the youngest among us and their caregivers.
The Deacons delivered Thanksgiving Baskets and Christmas Poinsettias to shut-ins and provided the ministry of hospitality to the family of Betty Reid as they gathered to give witness to the resurrection and remember her life. The mission committee made a new connection with the ministry of Breathe Life of Western New York and St. Stephen’s Café. Faith Formation for children resumed with Sunday school offerings, a Prayground, worship bags, and time with the children during worship. We have seen up to seven children with us on Sunday mornings. The Adult Christian Nurture, facilitated by several church members, offered regular discussion and fellowship on Sunday mornings, with a special and successful “diner meeting” on the Sunday we were without power. We tried some new things in worship, formation and fellowship, including Advent Activities, an Intergenerational Cookie Bake, Pray with Color, Hanging of the Greens worship service, and a “Come as You Are” pageant on Christmas Eve.
There is much to be grateful for, much to reflect upon, and much to build upon as we head into 2020. As you consider this past year of ministry and mission, where has God met you? How have you grown? Where have you served, and how have you been ministered to? These are not throw-away questions. These are important questions that can lead to new insights or prompt you to sing praise to God and/or stop and say thanks to those who have been the face of God to you in the past year. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Summary of December 22nd Congregational Meeting If you missed our December 22nd congregational meeting, here is what happened. 1. The congregation elected new slate of church officers brought forward by the nominating committee Ruling Elders Deacons Terri MacCubben Dean Mead Jane Nelson McMaster Barb Sanders Pat Sciarrino Linda Young Joe Seminatore 2.The congregation voted to approve Session’s recommended (mostly minor) changes to the by-laws, including a change to ruling elder terms from 3 years to 2 years. If you would like to see the updated and revised by-laws, please contact the church office to receive either a hardcopy or digital copy. 3.Pastor Shannon provided a follow-up conversation, on the state of the church, to November’s Frank Conversation on the Future of the Church. Below is a summary of the information she shared.
Pastor Shannon’s Approach to where we are as a church: “Doomsday Pollyanna”
1. We are living during the long-term condition of the decline of the mainline church (financial trouble, falling attendance, out-dated models of church and mission)
2. Next year’s budget is looking to use up 1/3 of our remaining “endowment” funds. That means times is running out. There will be hard realities to face in just another year or two (i.e., can’t afford the pastor, may have to close the church, etc).
3. Churches go through life cycle stages—we are probably hovering between retirement and old age—meaning we lack a vision, people are weary, and it is unclear if the congregation is ready for the deep transition and change that would be needed to enter into a transformed state of health
4. There are many things not being done in the church—many committees are not active, session still has an opening, fundraising needs to increase, etc.
5. There are divisions and cliques in the church and many of the problems of the past are still lingering in the air, possibly making people hold back from stepping forward to contribute with their gifts
1. Ministry of Worship: Engage in intergenerational worship
2. Ministry of Faith Formation: Strengthen ministry with children, youth, and families
3. Ministry of Church Community Life: Create belonging & unity through meaningful fellowship opportunities
4. Ministry of Outreach & Mission: Cultivate community connections, partnerships, & service
HOPEFUL OPTIMISM 1. Session commissioned a 2020 Task Force to work with Pastor Shannon and Gregg Carlson, a Senior Church Renewal Consultant 2. 2020 Task Force will meet beginning in March, 1x/month, with outside reading and/or homework (approx 5/hr month commitment) 3. Pastor Shannon will meet monthly with Gregg Carlson 4. Where do you fit in? We need everyone to get on board with our work in 2020 as we hope to move towards church renewal and a strong, new vision for our church 5. We need folks to join the Task Force and we have many volunteer openings from serving on Session, to joining a committee, to working on Fundraising, helping with liturgy, providing for Fellowship Hours, etc. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Becoming a Safe Church
Celebrities, ministers, politicians, corporate executives. Hardly a week goes by that the headlines don’t name a prominent person who has been accused of being a sexual predator or charged with abuse. Reports have been on the rise for years as people find the strength to step forward with their stories.
The church has always been perceived as a safe place, where parents can feel their children are being cared for. But sometimes, despite the best efforts of churches, abuse does occur.
Presbyteries and sessions are responsible for doing training, prevention and having policies in place. The Book of Order requires all church councils to implement child and youth protection policies to keep church events and communities safe.
According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, one in five girls and one in 20 boys are victims of child sexual abuse. The center also reports that during a one-year period in the U.S., 16 percent of youth between 14 and 17 have been sexually victimized. The World Health Organization reports that one in six people 60 and older are experiencing some form of abuse.
The implementation of policies and procedures is only part of the prevention effort. Policies have to be enforced. Background checks are a snapshot in time. Churches have to have training, policies in place, escorts, glass windows in doors in case people slip through the system.
This fall, Pastor Shannon, Polly, and the Session began the process of putting a Safe Church Policy and Procedures into place. All volunteers (adult and youth) who work with children or youth in our church must undergo a background check done by the church (through our contract with Protect My Ministry. In addition, volunteers will need to watch the online training that accompanies the background check and pass the quiz that goes with the training. In January, Session will review a proposal for a full Safe Church Policy and Procedures document for our church. Upon Session approval that policy will be given to each volunteer for their review. Volunteers will be required to sign a statement saying they read and will abide by our policy and procedures. Finally, prior to church events with children and youth, volunteers will be verbally reminded of some of the most salient policies regarding prohibited behavior. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Ten Reasons You Should Be Going to Church (shared in worship throughout November and December in an effort to encourage conversations about the church with millennials and younger generations)
10. Coming to church doesn’t mean you have no doubts about God or faith or religion. It means you have a place you can share with people who have their own doubts. 9. Bad stuff is going to happen in your life. It just is. A church community cannot be everything to everyone in times of crisis, but when the bottom falls out of your world, it helps to have a faith community to walk with you. 8. Bad stuff is going to happen in your life, part two. The time to build a relationship with God is not when life turns ugly, and you’ve run out of all other options. Attending worship regularly helps build a relationship with God and others that will give you a solid foundation when the winds blow and the storms come. 7. Not all churches are anti-something. Most of us are for people, for acceptance, for hospitality. Really, we’re out there. We just don’t get the good press. 6. Any church worth its salt has really good food on a regular basis. 5. Churches offer paint-by-number opportunities to serve. Many people would like to help the poor, the hungry, and the homeless but they don’t know how to get involved, how to make the time to be involved, or what they can do to really make a difference. Churches offer you ways to plug in to help those who need it most. 4. You’ve got a gift. Probably two or ten of them. Becoming involved in the ministry of a church will help you discover and use gifts you never even knew you had. 3. Not all churches are after your money. Good churches want you to have a healthy relationship with money. Sure, churches need to pay the electric bill and the pastor and maybe even some nursery workers, but money and the church is more about you than it is about the church. It’s about your own relationship with money. World events have proven that it’s much better to put faith in God than in a bank account. Church can help you with that. 2. Taking a break from our hectic lives to come to church is accepting the gift of Sabbath. “Sabbath dissolves the artificial urgency of our days, because it liberates us from the need to be finished.” We don’t take Sabbath and come to worship because we have time and have finished up everything that needs to be done. We take Sabbath because it is time to stop, and we are designed to stop, rest and reflect. Those who don’t are destined to crash and burn. 1. Jesus is really cool. Even if you don’t know if you can believe in the whole Son-of-God thing, even if you refer to the resurrection as the Zombie Jesus event and even though those of us already in the church often do a lousy job of following him, come to church to get to know Jesus. The more you get to know him, the more you’ll understand why people call his way The Way. Thanks to Rev. Anne Russ of Argent Presbyterian Church in North Little Rock Arkansas for this great list!
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Annual Congregation Meeting & Winter Picnic Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Annual Congregation meeting (and winter picnic) will be held Sunday, January 19, 2020 to approve the Annual Congregational minutes of January 27, 2019, and Special Congregational Meetings of March 3, 2019, September 1, 2019, September 15, 2019, and December 22, 2019. Copies of the 2019 Annual Report will be available at the entrances to the sanctuary on Sunday, January 12, 2019. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
The PER CAPITA is an amount of money assessed each member of the local church for the administrative costs of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Synod of the Northeast, and the Presbytery of WNY. The church pays approximately $35.00 per each active member of the congregation for the Per Capita.
Any contribution to help defray the cost of the Per Capita expense would be appreciated. Please make your check payable to First Presbyterian Church, earmarked "Per Capita ~ Ecclesiastical Apportionment" and mail to the church office or place in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
You can be a constant participant in the musical life and worship services of First Presbyterian Church by donating copies of the new Presbyterian hymnal Glory to God. The new hymnal retains our favorite hymns and expands the diversity and range of music available to our congregation.
You can easily make a donation online for $18.00 per hymnal and have the opportunity to recognize someone In Memoriam, or In Honor, by your gift. An attractive dedication page will appear at the front of the hymnal(s) you donate.
Share the music! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Faith Formation News . . . . Epiphany Book Group: January 8 -- February 19 Join Pastor Shannon, for seven Wednesdays, begining January 8th (read Part I), for a book group discussion of Rachel Held Evans' book Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church. We will meet at noon in the parlor (bring your lunch). If you are interested in an evening book group discussion via Zoom, speak with Pastor Shannon. Youth Night Out: January 10, 4:30-10pm Youth (middle and high school students) are invited to join Pastor Shannon and adult volunteers for an evening in Erie, PA. We will eat dinner at Five Guys and then go see the movie Just Mercy. Meet at the church to carpool. All youth must have a completed permission form to attend. RSVP on the church Facebook page. Contact Pastor Shannon or the church office for a permission form. Night of Personal & Church Growth: January 24, 7-9pm
You are invited to join with church members as Pastor Shannon will lead us in a listening exercise to grow our empathy for each other and give instructions for how to create personal manifestos as well as one for our church. Contact the church office by January 10th if you need childcare to attend the event. Officer Training: February 1, 10am-1:00pm Rev. Laura Norris Buisch, Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of WNY will be providing a morning of Officer Training for all current elders and deacons and anyone interested in possibly serving in these roles in the future. Lunch will be provided. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mission/Outreach News....
~ God is with us - Matthew 1: 23 ~ The Perfect Gift The total to date for the 2019 Christmas Joy Offering, the 4th special offering of Presbyterian Church (USA), was $308.00. Half of your offering will support the assistance programs of the Board of Pensions that help faithful servants. The other half will go to support the ministries of racial ethnic schools and colleges with students trying to discover and develop the gifts God has given them. All of them will help to increase the joy of the family of God. Thank you to all who supported this offering!
Thank you to each and everyone who helped support the 2019 Angel Tree Mission. The Angel Tree is also supported by other churches in our community. Our church gave twenty (20) children in the Westfield area wonderful gifts from this program for the holidays. Thank you for your generous support to this local mission!
"Yes, We CAN support Mission" The Mission Committee extends its thanks to everyone for their donation of can deposits throughout the year. The "CAN" fund-raising project has been VERY successful! For 2019 we raised $344.85, and was divided between the Westfield Community Kitchen and Food Pantry. We hope everyone will continue to donate their empty cans and plastic bottles that have a refundable deposit to help our Church continue to offer financial support to such important ministries to our Westfield friends and neighbors.
Pennies for Hunger The "Pennies for Hunger" offering were received the last Sunday of each month during 2018. The total contributions received for 2018 was $99.00 and was divided between Westfield Community Kitchen and Food Pantry.
Westfield Food Pantry Thank you to all who participated in the Food Pantry's Reverse Advent Calendar collection in December. January is our month to donate shelf and table products for the Pantry. They appreciate any and all donations. Please help anyway you can!
Chautauqua Hospice & Palliative Care, Ronald McDonald House, Love, Inc., St. Gianna Molla Pregnancy Center, Special Olympics, Mayville Food Pantry, Royal Family Kids’ Camp, U Can City Mission, Breathe Life of WNY, Medical Benevolence—Haiti Nursing Student.
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Christian Ministry that welcomes to its work all people dedicated to the cause of eliminating poverty housing. They are currently working at 127 Union Street, Westfield. There is a job for everyone; no special skills required. The work sessions are Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
If you would like to provide refreshments for the Habitat Volunteers please contact Mike Ricketts at 338-8864. Refreshments are needed for Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ the simple solution to community fundraising
As a church we continue to participating in TOPS Markets "Cash for Causes" program. We have purchased TOPS "Cash for Causes" gift cards that are available to church members and friends. You pay the cash value of the card and the church earns 5% on each card sold. We all buy groceries! There is no additional cost to you; you simply use the gift card. Cards are available in $50 and $100 denominations. Please call (326-2643) or stop in the church office to purchase a gift card. In 2019 the proceeds from the gift cards was $700.00 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Clerk's Pen(cil) II Following the call to order and prayer by Moderator Rev. Dr. Shannon Smythe the Session took up the work of the church on Tuesday, December 17, 2019:
Actions taken at the meeting are summarized as follows:
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The 2020 Work of Our Church We encourage all members to consider serving as an Elder or Deacon, or to be on a committee/team. Below you will see opportunities – where do your talents fit in? Prayerfully consider the opportunties. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Pastor Shannon, or a Session member. The Committees of the Church & (Some of) Their Work
2020 Committees of Session Communications, Outreach & Growth Elder Chair TBD Need more people to join Finance and Stewardship Marilynne Northrop/Chair, Marie Edwards/Treasurer, Pro-Tem Need more people to join Property Joe Seminatore/Chair, Mike Cluchey/Deacon, Pete Bills Gerry Rogers Don Eno Nominating Elder TBD/Co-chair Gloria Colgrove/Co-chair. Members-at-Large: Pat Hayes Ramona Luder Linda Young Tina Neal Worship & Music Elder TBD/chair Nancy Smith/Deacon Need more people to join Mission/Outreach Marjory Fritz/Chair Hank Lynn Ramona Luder Sharon Rau/Deacon Barb Sanders Marilynne Northrop Jane McMaster Personnel Elder TBD/chair Need more people to join Christian Education Pat Sciarrino/chair Mark Smith/Deacon Need more people to joim
2020 Task Force – works with Pastor Shannon and Gregg Carlson – Church Renewal Consultant Marie Edwards Majory Fritz Need more people to join Children's Sunday School Linda Young, Terri MacCubbin, Suzie Wilder, Pat Sciarrino, Kevin Subers, Diane Scarpine Nicole Corbett OPENINGS Session – 1 Member Need Committee Members for Personnel Communications, Outreach & Growth Worship Christian Education Sunday Liturgists Treasurer Fellowship Hour Contributors Fundraising Team ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Prayer Concerns
REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR.... Members of Our Congregation Sharon Bane, Mark Robbins, Dorothy Near, Ople Gollnitz, Elaine Hall, Barb Lynn, Pat Hayes, Pat Sciarrino and Amy Gregory.
Family and Friends of our Congregation Abigail Jopek, Crystal Lee, Darrell Colgrove, Jon Belcher, Marsha Holland, June Beers
Our Servicemen Chief Petty Officer, James "JD" Watkins (Grandson of Betty Reid) Lt. Victor Gutirrez, U.S. Army Rangers (Grandson of Jack Beckman)
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Income through November 30, 2019: $93,208.42 (Pledges Paid to Date: $51,104.00 100% pledges paid to date as of month end) Expenses through November 30, 2019: $107,666.44 Investment Funds used through November 30 , 2019: $13,385.38
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BIRTHDAYS We all join in extending Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy Birthday. May this day be Richly Blessed With Peace and Joy and Everything that makes for Happiness
Steve Meleen 3rd Marie Edwards Kelly Knopp Lorraine Heald 4th Mark Meleen 5th Warren Colgrove Kai Diehl 6th Laurie Diehl 7th Brittany Edwards 8th Joan Allen 10th Richard Barney 12th Jill Raynor 16th Justin Ellis 19th Cortland Knopp 20th Alisha Ellis Mike Ricketts 22nd Charles Machemer 24th Skip Lynn 26th Jennifer Barton 28th David Bills Ricki Schofield
Sunday, January 5 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Adult Christian Nurture & Fellowship 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hour Monday, January 6 7:00 p.m. Mission/Outreach Meeting Wednesday, January 8 10:00 a.m. Pastor Support Group 12:00 Noon Book Group Thursday, January 9 7 - 8:00 p.m. Open Share/Life Hurts Group at St. Stephen's Cafe in Brocton Friday, January 10 4:30 - 10:00 p.m. Youth Night Out Dinner & Movie in Erie, PA Sunday, January 12 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Adult Christian Nurture & Fellowship 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hour Monday, January 13 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. Lunch with Pastor Shannon & Mission Committee at Westfield Community Kitchen Tuesday, January 14 7:00 p.m. Westfield Women's Organization Meeting Wednesday, January 15 12:00 Noon Book Group Sunday, January 19 10:00 a.m Choir Rehearsal Adult Christian Nurture & Fellowship 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hour Monday, January 20 Church Office Closed 7:00 p.m. Deacon Meeting Tuesday, January 21 7:00 p.m. Session Meeting Wednesday, January 22 12:00 Noon Book Group Friday, January 24 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Personal & Church Growth Night Sunday, January 26 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal Adult Christian Nurture & Fellowship 11:00 a.m. Family Worship & Children's Ministry 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hour Wednesday, January 29 12:00 Noon Book Group Thursday, January 30 7:00 p.m Lake Shore Center for the Arts Musical Program ~ Sanctuary ~
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