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Images of the Church - Workshop

  • Images of The Church: As we prepare and plan for the future of OUR church the Session has decided to participate in a workshop conducted by Rev. Dr. Gregory Hall and Rev. Dr. Cynthia Wickwire Lundquist, from the Presbytery Committee on Ministry. They will work us through a process of worship, small discussion groups and exercises resulting in an end product that will provide information and direction for the future of Our Church. This is similar to what previously was termed a Mission Study, but much more streamlined and user friendly. This process began with the September 30th sermon, delivered by Elder Marie Edwards, titled “Images of the Church”. On Saturday, October 20th, from 9 to 4 ALL Session members and ALL Deacons, as well as any interested members of the congregation will meet in the Church parlor to participate in the workshop led by Pastors Hall and Wickwire Lundquist. As a Session we cannot emphasize enough the importance of your participation. Come prepared to contribute and participate. OUR Church’s future is at hand. SEE YOU ON OCTOBER 20th. Lunch will be provided.



Saturday, 20 October 2018, 09:00am - 02:30pm



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